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P. O. Box 1167, Arua

Our services

Embarking on the odyssey of my master’s degree paper, the arsenal of resources at my disposal is crucial. Academic databases and libraries offer a trove of knowledge, but a standout ally in this academic pursuit is rotes meer website. Here, a mosaic of scholarly materials converges, streamlining my research process. As I meticulously weave through this digital repository, it becomes evident that this virtual sanctuary is pivotal, offering a roadmap to the successful culmination of my master’s thesis.
  • Health


Ama Tualu Pharmacy is the maiden business endeavour of Ama Tualu Enterprises Limited. From 5 years forward, we want to be one of the leading private healthcare providers

Diagnostic Centre

Ama Tualu Enterprises Limited (ATEL) provides quality diagnostics services.We deliver results on a timely schedule to help you get effective healthcare.

Laboratory Supplies

Soon we shall distribute laboratory reagents, equipment and consumables. You can call us for installation and for the repair of equipment. We also offer maintenance support.

Agent Banking

We offer third party service to banks and Clients through Agent Banking model. Clients find this service quick since it saves them the time to travel all the way to the bank. Transaction process is fast as there are no queues like in usually crowded bank premises. We charge less transaction fees than the bank branches


We run a well-regulated and registered SACCO managed by a professional team. ATEL SACCO is owned by members both resident in Uganda and in the diaspora. Upon fulfilment of membership requirements, ATEL SACCO admits eligible individuals, groups, or cooperatives for membership of the cooperative society.

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